Who I am...

Where I live...

What I get paid to do...

What I do in spite of not getting paid for it...

Recurring events...

Suggested links...

(an editorial...)

Who I am: Well, I'm a single twenty-something gay midwestern daoist liberal capitalist member of the cultural elite... My name is Andrew Terrance Trembley. In most circles, I go by Andy. However, in some circles, I go by Andries which provides occasional confusion.

Where I live: By the good graces of my landlord and housemates (who I can generally say I like, although they sometimes drive me crazy) I get to live in an absolutely gorgeous neoclassical Victorian mansion. The name of the place is Lytheria and it's owned by a guy named Lee Schneider. Lee's been restoring the place for nearly two decades. Oh, I almost forgot. It's in Milwaukee... Wisconsin... You know, the place with all the cows. Or is it the place with all the beer? (Remember, cow-tipping is much easier after a few beers... no, the cow needs the beers, not you). If you're one of them foreigners (like an Illini) and you want to visit, remember to have your passport ready, or you may find crossing the Cheddar Curtain difficult...

What I get paid to do: I'm a consultant. That is to say, I get paid to do things with computers that are not long-term enough to merit hiring a regular employee. Or I do things with computers that the regular employees don't have time to do (because there aren't enough regular employees). Or I do things with computers that the regular employees are not competent to do. Right now, I'm an e-mail administrator and systems analyst. It pays the bills, and can sometimes be immensely satisfying.

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Spacelanes

What I do in spite of not getting paid for it: Well, let's see...

  • I'm an unrepentant internet junkie... for newsgroups, I limit myself to soc.motss, alt.buddha.short.fat.guy, and a few tech newsgroups. I do a bit of web design here and there (If you care, you can take a look at my web-page-design rant). I get my connection thru DIAS Internet, a local provider here in Milwaukee.
  • My favorite way to kill a weekend is to haul off to somewhere remote, and spend my time at a hotel at a science fiction convention. We're not talking the commercial conventions like Creation or TrekFest, but rather fan-run conventions, like Minicon, First Contact, WindyCon, and ICon. It's a great time to meet up with far-flung friends, party, do a bit of music, and have discussions not otherwise found in nature. Take a look at The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Spacelanes to see an example of something I was involved in this year at Minicon 32
  • During the summer, I spend my weekends at the Bristol Renaissance Faire. I've just joined the court ("Master William Camden, at thy service...") this year, but I have worked at the fair in other capacaties in the past.
  • To get my Elizabethan fix when it's not Faire season, I like to attend SCA events. It's a different game, but it's still fun. I'm a member (currently lapsed) of the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr.
  • I play saxophone (soprano, at the moment) when I have the chance to get together with other musicians (usually at SF conventions). I also play oboe (although I'm extremely out of shape, and can't play for more than a few minutes at a time... you think this is a joke? you try it), bassoon (I don't have one at the moment... if anybody out there knows somebody selling a used bassoon, e-mail me), and recorder.
  • I write a bit... Nothing published, unless you count the web... The TwinkCode (written with Kirk Johanning) is possibly my best piece of humorous writing. I'd put up a copy, but Matt Melmon already maintains an absolutely delicious annotated version...
  • Another bit of writing I do is for MilwAPA. MilwAPA is the monthly distribution of the Milwaukee Amateur Press Association. Basically, we all get together once a month, with our 'zines, and have a collation party (where we, of course, coallate the 'zines together into bound--well, stapled--distys). Some of us have been doing this for thirteen years. If you would like more information, or even to become a member, e-mail ye Official Editor, Glen A. Boettcher.
  • To facilitate my lust for nice new clothes and costume, I sew. I'm a founding member of The Metro-Milwaukee Unfinished Projects and Prairie Restoration Society and co-host of Stitch'n'Bitch, our bi-weekly meeting. You can check our meeting schedule below.

Schedule Information

  • Stitch'n'Bitch: Alternate Thursdays, 7-ish, usually at Lytheria. For more information e-mail me.

  • Dates for May '97 and June '97 are 5/29/27, 6/12/97, and 6/26/97.
  • MilwAPA Collation: Usually last Saturday of the month, location rotates. For more information, e-mail ye Official Editor, Glen A. Boettcher.

  • Dates for the next three months are 5/24/97 at Lytheria, 6/21/97 at Todd's, 7/19/97 at Todd's.

The QueerRing

This QueerRing site is owned by Andy Trembley.

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Links: I'm going to try to limit each category to my two favorite links...

Macintosh Stuff...

SF Stuff...

  • First Contact is a local science fiction convention here in Milwaukee

Gay Stuff...

Great web design...

  • The Enhanced for Netscape Hall of Shame says "If anyone thinks they can make better buttons than Doc Ozone I'd like to know."
  • Charley Parker writes the most amazing comic book I've seen on the web. It's called Argon Zark.

Far-flung friends...

Made on MacOS Built With BBEdit Made with Pride Let iCab smile

Text © Andy Trembley 1997